School Team


St Joseph's Staff 2024​

Parish Priest:  Fr Peter Dillon  

Principal: Mrs Nicole Cole 
APRE: Mrs Bianca Murphy
Acting Principal Semester 1: Mrs Bianca Murphy
Acting APRE Semester 1: Mrs Leree Mazzer
Primary Learning Leader: Mrs Laleisha Banks
Support Teacher - Incl​usive Education: Mrs Beth Musial
Classroom Teachers:
Prep Blue: Mrs Emma Canniffe 
Prep Green: Ms Cara Mills
Yr 1 Blue: Mrs Linda Trimble
Yr 1 Green: Mrs Beth Sheil 
Yr 1 Red: Miss Eloise Gallagher
Yr 2 Blue:
 Mrs Julie Meara
Yr 2 Green: Ms Ryley Ivanisevic
Yr 3 Blue: Ms Alice O'Leary
Yr 3 Green: Mr Jason Marsden
Yr 4 Blue: Mr Josh Daley 
Yr 4 Green: Mrs Rachael Reaves
Yr 5/6 Blue: Mr Paul Tierney 
Yr 5/6 Green: Mrs Paula Morley

Specialist Teachers:
Information Specialist: Technology Enrichment Teacher: Mrs Katie Goodwin
Guidance Counsellor: Mrs Raelene Campbell
Support Teacher Inclusive Education: Mrs Beth Musial 

English and Language Dialect Teacher (EAL/D) and Literacy & Numeracy Support Teacher:Mrs Maria Portas
LOTE (Italian): Mrs Maria Portas
Director of Music / Instrumental Music Specialist: Mr Alex Pren​deckij
Speech & Drama: Mrs Katrina Hohn
Art Specialist: Mrs Janet Heunis
Health & PE: Miss Kate Morris
Music: Mrs Melissa Churchward
Support Staff:
Front Office Receptionist: Mrs Nicole Andrew & Mrs Marina Barrett 
Student Enrolments, WHS & Compliance Officer: Mrs Marina Barrett
Finance Officer: Mrs Melene Aswad 
School Officers: Mrs Julia Barnewall, Mrs Leah Briggs,​ Mrs Rhonda Cox,  Mrs Shannan Di Bella, Mrs Lauren Garbett, Mrs Barb Griffin, Mrs Penny Munro, Mrs Jane Munro, Mrs Gail Sealy. 
Groundsman: Mr Bill Thompson ​
Music Specialist Teachers:

Guitar: Mr Alexander Prendeckjj
Percussion: Mr Richard Daniell
Piano: Ms Laura Mulcahy and Mrs Louise Osborne
Voice & Choirs: Ms Christina Mairs​ and Miss Daria Van Ryt
Strings: ​Ms Sally Waterhouse
Woodwind: Mr Evan Osborne